XL3™ Fiberglass (FRP) Tank Cover System for Chemical Exposure
XL3 Composite Tank Cover System
The XL3 fiberglass tank cover among the most advanced cover systems available. The second-generation XL3 system offers the same appealing qualities for users and operators as the XL6 wastewater tank cover but with lighter panels and easier removability, perfect for mid-span installations.
XL3 FRP Wastewater Tank Cover Advantages:
- Outstanding Strength and Corrosion Resistance — The high content of reinforcing fibers (up to 60% by weight) delivers in high loads and long spans. Inherently corrosion-resistant, the XL3's Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer stands up to the challenges of chemical exposure and wet operating conditions
- Easy Installation, Access and Removability — Like the AXS-3 system, XL3 panels weigh around 11 pounds per linear foot and require minimal fasteners to attach panels and locking channel. Installation of flashings and support beams are similar to installing flashing and roof beams in typical construction, and removing sections only requires backing out bolts from permanent nutserts/rivet nuts. Access hatches can be sized to fit individual 30"-wide XL3 panel sections
- Non-Skid Structural Panels for Increased Safety — High-strength pultruded panels enable the cover system to be used as a safe, working surface for operators. Its flat, gritted surface minimizes slipping
- EPDM Gasket Odor Control — At panel joints, end conditions and at access hatches
- Low- or No-Maintenance Service Life — With the most extended service life in the industry, XL3 offers the most significant life-cycle cost-benefit due to almost zero maintenance
Size Versatility
XL3 Tank Covers are custom-designed and -sized to accommodate most any tank, either round or rectangular, large or small. Enduro’s experienced technical staff can assist design engineers with cost budgets, appropriate material selection, system design and specifications.
For water and wastewater treatment operations, Enduro offers fiberglass (FRP): Tank Covers, Baffle Walls, Weirs and Scum Baffles, Density Current Baffles, Launder Covers and Building Structures.
Allowable spans are the lesser span controlled by either deflection limit (L/D) or Factor of Safety of 2.0 minimum for maximum allowable load. Allowable spans for concentrated loads also consider maximum deflection of 5/8”.
IBC 2015, Section 1607 requires minimum concentrated load loading of 250 lbs. distributed over 2.5’x2.5’ area to determine spans for “All roof surfaces subject to maintenance workers”.
Contact us for allowable spans for other requirements such as lower maximum deflection or negative loads for high wind conditions.